Collection: Lanyard Wallets

Lanyard wallets allow people to easily carry their essential documents from a lanyard around their neck. These credential neck wallets are a popular item for people that prefer to carry something lighter than a book-bag while traveling. Lanyard wallets are great for carrying hotel keys, photo id's, credit cards, cash, and more. They offer a wide range of solutions for almost every situation.

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Everything to Know About Lanyard Wallets

We know the sensation of waiting in line at a hotel checkout or in the airport. People crowd each other as they try to wait patiently and rush at the same time, which is never an easy feat. An official asks for ID, or for a credit card. You fumble to take out a bulky wallet, which you’ve had since college and struggle not to drop it. A part of you wonders if someone would find and return your wallet if you dropped it on the ground by accident. Luckily, with a lanyard wallet you don’t have to rely on the kindness of strangers to locate your important documents and cash.

A travel neck wallet is a wallet that you wear like a badge at a convention, trade show, or conference. Only, instead of a photo or single photo card, you wear your identity and some credit cards. Lanyard wallets are neck wallets that use a strong cord meant to go around your neck and fasten easily.


Neck wallets allow people to easily carry and access their most essential documents from a lanyard around their neck. These lanyard wallets are a popular item for people that prefer to carry something lighter than a book-bag while traveling. Lanyard wallets are great for carrying hotel keys, photo id's, credit cards, cash, and more. Lanyard wallets offer a wide range of solutions for most situations.


Keeping Your Cash And Cards Safe with Lanyard Wallets 

You want to keep your valuables safe when traveling, especially if residing in a foreign country. Nothing can hurt more than taking a breath outside Harrod’s in London and realizing that someone pickpocketed your wallet just as you’re about to step on a train. 

While pickpocketing in most tourist areas has gone down, it never hurts to be on the side of caution regarding your cash, credit cards, and personal information. You want your passport and driver’s license available for airport security, and a credit card always on hand to make rapid purchases in case of an emergency. You can do this with a lanyard wallet which is meant to be worn around the neck. The lanyard wallet is a foolproof way to make sure all your valuables such as IDs and credit cards are on your person at all times. Say goodbye to pickpockets and hello to a stress free vacation with the lanyard wallet that keeps on giving. 


Typical Uses For Lanyards Wallets

Lanyards mainly exist to provide sturdy, easy access to ID. In many other industries, employees use them for safety straps on machine shut-off switches, which ensure a reliable failsafe for an emergency. 

Businesses use lanyards to help identify employees. They also take advantage of the threads’ convenience. Lanyards can look cute, sturdy, and in most situations can serve as a cute ID holder or double as wallets. The threads can come in different colors, which allow for simple customization. They work really well in office settings that require employees and guests to wear a visible ID every day. Businesses can also use lanyard wallets to reinforce branding when employees wear these lanyards outside of the workplace. For emergency workers such as doctors and nurses, lanyard wallets allow them to identify themselves quickly and move fast to rescue people in their care along with keeping their credentials safely on their person. A medical professional would rather focus on a patient’s chart than dealing with a security guard.

At conventions, lanyard wallets prove useful for badge holders,ID cards and credit cards, especially in crowds. People use them to identify themselves, purchase things easily and efficiently.

Why Combine A Neck Wallet With A Lanyard?

The neck wallet is the next step beyond a simple badge on a string, where you can have all of your personal information on hand. A cool lanyard can accessorize the wallet while providing a sturdy cord that no pickpocket can lift unless they want you to call the local police. You can also keep your hands free for other important activities with a lanyard wallet.

Specialist ID has a wide range of professional lanyard wallets meant to serve all your business purposes. Our Vinyl Credential Neck Wallet With Pen Loop , a popular model, contains multiple pockets for storing ID and personal documents, all hidden using a clear plastic screen that can show your photo. An adjustable lanyard necklace can match all neck muscle sizes, which adds necessary accommodation.

If you prefer leather to vinyl, and want a lanyard wallet for the professional workplace, we have the Heavy Duty Union Made Genuine Leather Id Badge Holder Wallet & Lanyard. You receive a crisp, durable lanyard wallet with ample space for your papers, as well as a keychain ring and four pockets.


Find Your Safeguard Lanyard Wallet Today

At Specialist ID, a family-owned and run business, we treat you like one of the family. We want to keep you and your information safe. Reach out to us today, and we will fit you with the perfect neck wallet and lanyard!