Specialist ID, a badge holder and accessory distributor in South Florida supplies all types of businesses, non-profits and government entities with identification (ID) holders and accessories for every need and/or occasion. One of the most commonly wanted badge holders always relates to security of some type. It can be indoor, outdoor and even private events.
We want to provide you with a list of badge solutions that are most suitable for security companies. Here are the most recommended security badge holder items that we have in stock:
Black Security Lanyard (SPID-L-SECURITY)
Whichever type of badge holder you choose, you will need something to attach it to. Of course, you always have the option of tucking it into your pocket or purse, but isnt the whole idea of having an ID badge is so that people can see it? You need to think about keeping it visible. There are two ways to do this:
- Clip-ons You could get a clip-on badge reel that can attach snugly to your clothing. Specialist ID even has the swivel clip option so that you arent restricted to attaching the clip to your clothes in a certain way. However, if youre looking for an ID badge holder for heavyweight security purposes, we dont recommend clip-ons because with enough force, they can easily pull away from the clothing.
- Lanyards Specialist ID has 5/8 wide lanyards that have SECURITY boldly printed in white letting over a black background. Its strong, authoritative and is a great accessory to supplement and ID badge. You can take a look at this beautiful, yet simply designed lanyard here.
Vertical Reflective Armband ID Holder (R504-ARN)If your company is contracted to provide security for events that have the potential to get physical, then your officers need to be hands-free at all times. They need to be ready to de-escalate any arising issues that may occur. Having a lanyard around their neck might not always be the best option in cases like this. For this, we recommend the Vertical Reflective Armband ID Holder for two reasons:
- Neon Color Options This brand of arm badge holders comes in three colors: orange, red, and yellow. They are bright enough to contrast with any clothing. The elastic armband is flexible enough to fit all arm sizes.
- Hands-Free Your security officers will be able to perform their duties without any obstruction of a hanging lanyard in front of them. While lanyards are most useful to hold your ID badge, it might not be the best option for all security assignments.
You can purchase SECURITY lanyards, or badge reels with or without swivel clips and even badge holder wallets that can hang around your neck. Again, it really depends on the level of security your company is providing. For more information about which kind of security ID badge holders we have in stock, call Specialist ID at 1-800-380-6726. You can also contact us online today!