For those who work in the healthcare industry — doctors, nurses, hospice workers, emergency medical technicians, and other trained caregivers — patient care comes first.
All the things that come with it, the scrubs, the masks, the stethoscopes, the ID badges, those take a backseat to making sure sick or injured people get the very best care. But you might be surprised at how equally important all of the paraphernalia that goes along with healthcare is to the ultimate outcome of a patient’s treatment. Even an ID badge can play a role in ensuring a patient gets swift and effective care.
That’s why choosing the best ID badges for healthcare and medical assistant workers is so important. In this guide, we’ll look at the best options for those in the medical field.
Medical Assistant horizontal Badge Buddy with Red Border
In busy hospitals it’s easy to get confused about who does what. Are you speaking to a nurse or a doctor? A staff member or a medical assistant? A clear ID badge can clear up all of this confusion. And it doesn’t get any clearer than the Medical Assistant badge buddy, which states the person’s medical role in clear letters at the bottom of the name tag. With this ID, a patient can easily see what the caretaker’s name is and what their role is.
PARAMEDIC Vertical Badge Buddy with BLACK Border
Paramedics, those heroes who respond to an emergency, play an incredibly important role in people’s safety. But if you’re the victim in an emergency scenario, and likely hurt and disoriented, it might be confusing trying to figure out who this person is who’s suddenly taking care of you. An ID that explains everything can help. Specialist ID’s PARAMEDIC Vertical Badge Buddy with Black border spells it out at the base of the tag.
Medical Assistant MA Vertical Badge Buddy with Purple Border
The medical world is full of acronyms. For those who work in it, it’s easy to know what all of these abbreviations mean. For instance, MA stands for Medical Assistant. Make it easy for your coworkers to quickly identify you with this “MA” vertical badge buddy.
Registered Nurse Horizontal Badge Buddy with Blue Border
Before a patient sees a doctor, it’s almost a given that they’ll be reviewed by a nurse. The critical link in patient care, nurses provide support, treatment, and often vital diagnostic assistance to doctors. When things go awry, it’s often the nurse whom patients and their families call for first. To make this easier, Specialist ID’s Registered Nurse Horizontal Badge Buddy with Blue Border includes their title at the bottom of the ID name tag.
Physical Therapist Vertical Badge Buddy with Green Border
The last thing any medical professional wants is to be questioned about why they’re present in a clinic or medical site. That’s why ID badges are so important for all of the many medical professionals who are part of the ongoing care team, like physical therapists. Their work can make or break recovery for some patients. With the Specialist ID badge that clearly indicates their role, no one will question why they’re in a hospital or at a clinic.
TECH Horizontal Badge Buddy with Black Border
Medical technicians play a crucial role in performing tests that can help diagnose patients. Wearing a name badge that states TECH at the bottom differentiates them from other staffers and helps patients know whom they’re speaking to.
SURGICAL TECH Horizontal Badge Buddy with Blue border
Unlike a medtech, a surgical tech specializes in assisting with surgery. That could include transporting patients, preparing operating rooms, arranging equipment, and supporting the doctors and nurses during surgery. They need easy and ongoing access to these sensitive operating spaces, which is why a clearly marked badge matters. This one from Specialist ID makes their role abundantly clear.
JANITORIAL STAFF Horizontal Badge Buddy with Brown Border
Keeping hospitals and clinics in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, as well as spic and span, doesn’t happen on its own. It takes a strong janitorial staff to maintain these sanitized spaces. An ID badge that denotes “janitorial staff” helps these individuals perform their duties with the respect they deserve.
Custom Printed Badge Buddy Vertical
Want to customize your healthcare role? Specialist ID can do that too with the Custom Printed Badge Buddy Vertical. This badge allows you to personalize your ID with the appropriate title of your choosing.
With Specialist ID, you can find dozens of ID badges with different healthcare and medical assistant titles in both vertical and horizontal settings and with all manner of accessories--from bulldog clips to easily fasten your ID badge to a lab coat pocket, to lanyards to wear with every kind of clothing.