How to Implement a Visitor Management System at Your School, Office, or Worksite

How to Implement a Visitor Management System at Your School, Office, or Worksite

You’ve likely been asked to don one at your child’s school, during a hospital visit, or maybe when called for jury duty. 

They’re temporary ID badges and they help all kinds of industries run important security systems. With these badges, hospitals, schools, government offices, and many high clearance industries can protect employees and proprietary tools and information, while still welcoming visitors.

Effectively implementing a Visitor Management System is crucial to making this delicate security concept work. 

It’s not enough to simply buy and install one. Employees must be trained in the practical uses of the equipment and then be educated on the means with which a visitor management system can be deployed. This may include involving law enforcement and reviewing legal documentation before ever turning on the badge printing machine. 

Here we’ll review key steps companies can take to implement visitor management systems like SpecialistID’s TEMPbadge Visitor Management System.

Step 1) Review Security Needs

A school’s security needs will be very different from say, a hospital ward. Before installing a visitor management system, security teams should be called in to review the requirements your specific business needs to make it safe.

Step 2) Review the Law

Safety and privacy regulations vary from state to state and those rules may affect how you can operate your visitor management system. To avoid any conflicts, review all local regulations, state privacy laws, and when in doubt, speak to an attorney for further clarification.

Step 3) Create Protocols

Without protocols in place, a visitor management system can do little to deter security risks. Remember, it is a tool to be used to further your security plan, not a panacea. To that end, establish steps, like a check-in, check-out system, that will allow your team to maximize its use. 

For instance, the TEMPbadge Visitor Management System provides Built-in Reports. That means that a company can review visitor data from any point following installation. With sophisticated reporting information, you can choose a timeline to get a snapshot of all guests during the period. This can show you:

  • The total number of visitors
  • Total people by pass type (based on your selected passes. Ex.: student, teacher, parent)
  • Total number of people who went to each department or destination

Step 4) Educate Employees

A visitor management system is not just a front office tool. For it to work, it requires staff-wide buy-in, and that means everyone must be trained on the aforementioned protocols and taught the importance of how to handle badge approval and/or lack thereof. 

Explain changes to staff and help them understand the importance of following badge safety protocols in order to protect the entire company population. Also, have HR update employee manuals to reflect rules and regulations regarding ID badges so that everyone is on the same page. 

Step 5) Find a Great Visitor Management System

With the growing concern for staff and client safety and a need to protect children in schools, patients in hospitals, and many other industries, more and more companies are investing in visitor management systems. Here’s what to look for when shopping for one:

  • Built-in software
  • A durable printer
  • Adhesive badges
  • Customizable screens
  • Built-in reports
  • Self-expiring badges

SpecialistID’s TEMPbadge Visitor Management System offers all of the above and more. Its simple stand-alone visitor identification system creates unique identification numbers so that every badge can be seen at a glance. In addition, its printer prints in 4 clicks and 5 seconds for each visitor, so you can keep the flow of people moving without any road blocks. It’s easy to install and does not require integration into a network. 

6) Start Badging

Once installed and loaded with adhesive badge stickers, you can begin ID-ing visitors immediately. And the sooner you roll out your visitor management system, the sooner you can reassure staff and guests that their safety comes first. 

A great visitor management system not only improves security, it limits unnecessary paperwork and administrative tasks. A good system is one that’s hassle-free—one that will allow you to manage the movement of people in and out of your office without confusion or time-consuming sign-in tasks like outdated visitor guests books. 

With SpecialistID’s TEMPbadge Visitor Management System this burden is removed and replaced with a sophisticated yet user-friendly software, easy-to-use printer, and robust data collection critical to forecasting and preparing for future security issues. 

If you want your place of work to keep better tabs on the flow of guests, a visitor management system is a tested tool already helping numerous industries better protect themselves. 

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