You might think that purchasing an imprinted lanyard could turn into a hefty expense and it can if you don't find the right distributor. Don't be deceived. Some of these distributors may be buying out
With Specialist ID, the search doesn't have to be frustrating or so time-consuming. As a one of the top badge holder distributors in the nation, our selection of imprinted lanyards is plentiful. We offer colorful pre-printed lanyards in bulk at a wholesale price.
Custom Imprinted Lanyards
Because we also sell custom-printed lanyards, we have a take on what most businesses prefer, even down to the color!
v VISITOR This is one of the most common requests, and arguably the most cost efficient way to ID someone who is not an employee. Keep a handful of these at your front desk and have each visitor sign in before loaning them this bright red lanyard with the word VISITOR in all caps. The lanyard is a detachable with a swivel hook.
Flat 5/8"
36" long
v EVENT STAFF / STAFF Great for those one-time. This visible black and white lanyard will help guests quickly identify your team and be able to get the help and/or information they need. The measurements are the same as the VISITOR lanyards.
v VOLUNTEER Being able to differentiate your staff from volunteers is important. When holding public events, there are plenty of liability factors in place. Making sure that your staff and volunteers are properly is key. Fashioned in the same design as the VISITOR and STAFF lanyard, you can have a uniformed event that is presentable and organized.
v STUDENT For schools that are on a tight budget, this light blue breakaway lanyard with white print is suitable for K-12 schools, colleges, technical schools, and universities. This is especially beneficial for students who are enrolled in short term certificate and diploma programs.
Other imprinted breakaway lanyards that we have in stock are:
In place of swivel hooks, some of our imprinted lanyards have plastic hooks, something that might be preferred.
All of our imprinted lanyards are available at a wholesale discount starting with a minimum order for 25. However, you are in no way obligated to purchase in bulk. Order any one of our imprinted lanyards online to get a feel of the quality.
Contact Specialist ID online or call us toll-free at 1-800-380-6726.