When embarking on an adventure such as a nature hike, you must make sure that you have all the equipment you need. One of the items at the top of your list should be badge reels. In addition to keeping track of your hiking company and providing a safety net of identification, these badge reels provide you with a reliable organization of the supplies and tasks at hand.
As you get ready to take on that mountain, Specialist ID is here to support you!
1- Key-Bak #489-SDK Duty Gear Retractor
The Key-Bak Badge Reel, made from law enforcement grade materials, houses your badge reel in a high-quality leather pouch. The leather pouch is fashioned with a wider opening belt loop that provides ample space for your hiking belt to slide comfortably through. In addition to accommodating larger gear, the leather pouch allows you to store keys and your ID badges safe from noise or damage.

2- Black Chrome Heavy-Duty Badge Reel w/ Key Ring & Belt Clip
The Black Chrome Heavy Duty Badge Reel leaves nothing to be desired by including a key ring and belt clip in its compact form. The simple chain reel extends to 18 inches, a length that allows you to complete any task required of you without restriction. The strength of this product lets you fasten the belt clip to either your belt or a vest pocket with absolute security.

3- Key-Bak Super 48 Heavy Duty Key Reel with Belt Clip
The Key-Bak Super 48 Key Reel is made from industrial grade polycarbonate that allows you to carry up to 15 keys, with the addition of any ID badges and cards you would like to bring with you. This reel is an amazing companion that will eliminate any worry about the safety of your items as you climb. Forget everything but the beauty around you on your hiking adventure!

4- T-Reign Small Heavy Duty Retractable Gear Tether
This T-Reign reel provides you with all the strength and durability you need for your hiking ventures. Fitting easily with all your gear, Specialist ID equips you with a reel perfect for the light traveler who doesn’t want to sacrifice functionality or compactability. Due to its advanced nature, this badge reel maintains 4oz retractable force while being contained in its 1.5-inch diameter.

Appropriately rounding out our list is the SPID Key-Bak Sidekick Badge Reel Lanyard Combo. This badge reel really does it all! By providing an ID badge holder, a strap clip, and a key ring, all attached to a comfortable lanyard strap, this combination product leaves no attachment overlooked. Hike comfortably, with the Key-Bak Sidekick clasped securely around your neck.

From ID badges to keys to basic hiking tools, these badge reels are here to support you and keep you company as you reach new heights. Regardless of where your adventure takes you, Specialist ID has your back every step of the way.
Before you leave on your next trip, check out badge reels, badge holders and more on the Specialist ID website!