When carrying your monthly train ticket around, it can be easy to misplace or damaged it during your daily commuting, especially during rush hour. It can be a pain to have to dig through many cards in your wallet to find it, or worse, have to search through dozens of other items in your briefcase, backpack, or purse constantly. This hassle is probably one of the last things you want to deal with commuting in the early morning or coming home after a long workday.
Well-designed plastic train ticket holders can help prevent your monthly pass from getting misplaced or damaged. A high-quality ticket holder can enhance your ability to keep track of your train ticket. This saves you a little bit of time and stress every day. Theyre great for individuals of all ages who take the train regularly to get to where they need to go.
The Vertical Oversized 4x7 Vinyl ID Badge & Ticket Holder is the perfect solution for safely storing your monthly train ticket. This vinyl ticket holder is one of the most popular products from Specialist ID for good reason. This product is:
- Very economical
- Flexible & strong
- Easy to attach to lanyards and badge reels, among other things
- Perfectly fitted for train tickets
- Also suitable for holding pit passes and major sporting event tickets
The flexible, strong design of this product allows it to stretch if grabbed or pull away before breaking. This simple, durable product is versatile and very convenient for daily use. It can easily attach to the lanyard you already use every day; however, if you are looking for a new lanyard, there are plenty of great options available on our website.
When ordering ticket holders, ID products, and accessories, look no further than the professionals at Specialist ID. We dont just make this claim without good reason. Our company has been a top-rated company in the online space for over 16 years. We have over 16,000 5-star reviews from our customers saying that we are the best in terms of our:
- Prices
- Product quality
- Delivery times
- Customer service
At Specialist ID, we work extremely hard to meet the needs of our customers. For this reason, were proud that much of our business is derived from long time customers that continue to purchase from us again and again.
In addition to this, Specialist ID can offer you:
- A wide variety of product offerings
- Customized product solution
- Competitive wholesale prices
- No minimum order quantities
- Fast, inexpensive global shipping solutions
As a family-owned and operated business trusted by Fortune 500 companies, schools, small businesses, and individuals everywhere, Specialist ID stands behind the quality of all the products we sell. Order the Vertical Oversized 4x7 Vinyl ID Badge & Ticket Holder, and we know you wont be disappointed. If you ever have any questions at all about our products, dont hesitate to reach out to us now at 1-800-380-6726 or fill out our online contact form.