employee wears new personalized lanyard with an attached badge holder

4 Products You Need to Personalize Your Lanyard

It’s that time of year again—time for the world to reinvent itself. For you and your employees, this means looking into an updated lanyard you can personalize to best suit the new you! Don’t get left behind in 2021; with these personalization products designed to elevate basic lanyard options, your office will be ahead of the curve when it comes to providing your employees with the latest lanyard technology!

Consider these four products as you reinvent yourself and your lanyard this year!


Round Non-Breakaway Lanyard With Bulldog Clip (P/N 2135-325X)

This colorful lanyard is the best jumping-off point for upping your lanyard game! This product comes in a selection of twelve colors, and it fits perfectly into its role as your base product. The round fabric of this lanyard provides a comfortable fit and a durable design as you move throughout your day. The simple design allows you to build this product into a lanyard of any kind with extra personalized products that affix easily to this basic.



Witz Waterproof Keep It Clear Sports Cases (008)

This Witz sports case may not seem like a suitable product for lanyard personalization. However, this product truly adds to the versatility and dexterity of your lanyard for those that work outdoors. Waterproof plastic and an airtight seal protect your valuables—you can take on the elements year-round—and an attached carabiner clip that allows you to clip the case onto any lanyard easily.




Dual ID Strap Clip for Holding Two ID Badges or Badge Buddy and ID Badge (S2204)

You can use this two ways: Choose between adding another ID badge or attaching a badge buddy after it principally links your ID badge to your lanyard. The dual ID strip features a simply designed clip that attaches to any material required, providing versatility independent of any lanyard personalization and, in this way, adding an easily removable, optional feature to your custom lanyard.




Carabiner Style Proreel With Card Clip (P/N 2120-702X)

This badge reel design showcases a carabiner clip at its top. This feature allows this product to attach to any lanyard design without interfering with its existing elements of personalization. The 34-inch cord inside of this badge reel is rated for up to 100,000 pulls for a long-lasting guarantee. This badge reel also has a durable card clip for the attachment of any additional ID badges, with no-twist technology ensuring that your ID badge will always be facing forward for accessible communication.




With the help of these products and even more from Specialist ID, you and your employees will lead the pack in lanyard personalization. Your unique lanyards will be perfectly tailored to your employees’ needs for streamlined design and performance.

Check out the Specialist ID website for more personalization ideas!

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