Standard CR80 30mil PVC Cards With HiCo Magnet StripeManufactured in the USA | High Quality | Printable PVC
These are US manufactured, high quality standard White PVC Cards with HiCo magnetic strip. They work great with all standard ID Card Printers (Do not use with inkjet/HDP printers). They are quality inspected and will work as well as the more expensive branded cards from many of the ID Printer manufacturers. Each package of cards is factory sealed. CR80 Cards are the same size as a standard credit card or "new" style drivers license (3 3/8" x 2 1/8" x .030).
Please remember when handling your blank PVC cards.
- Always keep your cards in the shrink-wrap until they are loaded into the printer.
- If you have cards out of the shrink-wrap, store them in a zip-lock bag.
- Handle the blank cards by the edge of the cards, do not touch the surface that will be printed.
- If a card falls on the ground or is touched directly on the print surfaces, it’s best to just throw it away.
- Keep your printer in a clean environment and clean your printer regularly with the recommended cleaning kit for your printer model.
- It is a lot cheaper in the long run to follow these tips than have to replace a print-head.
For more best practices when handling PVC cards please see our blog article on the topic.