Digital Signature T-LBK460-HSB-R SigLite Backlit LCD 1x5 Topaz Signature Pad
The Digital Signature T-LBK460-HSB-R SigLite Backlit LCD 1x5 Topaz Signature Pad has all of the great features of the T-S460, including the pressure sensitive, biometric and forensic capture techniques, with a backlit LCD panel, making it easy to see your signature directly on the signature pad in all lighting conditions. The LBK460 is compatible with many of the most popular financial, medical and automotive software suites, allowing you to capture signatures digital, ideal for electronic document storage. Be sure to check with your software developer to see if your software supports Topaz signature pads directly. Also included, are plugins making it easy to capture signatures in Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Acrobat Professional.
Download the Topaz
software toolsdirectly from Topaz with the following link.