Digital Signature T-S460-HSB-R SigLite 1 x 5 Topaz Signature Pad
The Digital Signature T-S460-HSB-R SigLite 1 x 5 Topaz Signature Pad is our most popular digital signature pad that we carry. Its low cost bundled with Topaz's popular features make it a top choice among Financial, Health Care, Automotive and many other customers. This pressure sensitive electronic signature pad captures high quality biometric and forensic quality electronic signatures with an active electromagnetic pen and sensor. The touchpad sensor is protected by a replaceable overlay for a longer life.
All Topaz products are bundled with the Topaz Signature Software tools. This software includes a plugin for Microsoft Excel, Word and also a plugin for the Professional version of Adobe Acrobat. The Topaz 1X5 tablets are very common in the field and support is provided directly from many popular software developers. To see if your product already has built in support for the Topaz S460, check with your software company directly, or send us a message.
Download the Topaz software tools here.