One Day Expiring Time Spot Indicator (P/N T612X)Great to use with existing photo id cards or smart cards. Timespot must be used with bar backparts for it to expire. Size = 7/8" round. Comes in a pack of 1000.
The timespots each have a letter and color. For example: you can use the V to represent Visitor or Vendor, the T can be used for Temporary, the C can be used for Contractor and the blank timespot can be used for what ever you want.
Getting control of your visitor management and maintaining it is very important in today's world. You need to know who is in your building and what areas they are authorized access. Visitor management is crucial to completing a secure work, study, or recreation environment. Log-in visitor books no longer provide satisfactory visitor monitoring or lobby security. The professional solution is software that captures every visitor, records pertinent data, and issues visitor ID badges for easy recognition. You have a choice of photo IDs or self-expiring temporary badges.

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